Workshop: Designing Your Life

This workshop empowers you to clarify your life vision, identify and overcome obstacles, and strategize actionable steps towards your career goal and true ambitions. It offers a unique blend of practical tools and insights, enabling you to design a life that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations.

Unlock Your Potential:

Our Designing Your Life Workshop:
A Four-part Transformative Design-Thinking Workshop Series.

Join our design-thinking workshop series, where we redefine the boundaries of personal and professional growth. Through structured lessons and community support, our workshop equips you with the tools to architect your life’s design, fostering resilience, creativity, and clarity in your journey.

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What You’ll Gain:

  • Step-by-step Approach: Navigate through defining your dream career with a clear, step-by-step approach.
  • Meaningful Direction: Unravel the deeper meaning of life and chart a course that aligns with your values.
  • Decision Support: Gain the tools to make informed choices and craft a practical, actionable plan.
  • Exploration and Collaboration: Advance your What-Next-Plan in a supportive group setting, learning from diverse perspectives.
  • Tools: Experience the practical application of our tools for creating a life and career roadmap.

What You’ll Experience:

Expert-Led Sessions: Guided by Mark K. House, a certified coach in Designing Your Life, dive deep into the principles of design thinking applied to life’s complexities. Our modules — including Define & Reframe, Design Thinking, Plan & Prototype, and Support & Resilience — offer a comprehensive framework to understanding and navigating life’s opportunities.

Action Through Interaction: Embrace the power of collaboration through breakouts and group coaching, enabling a shared learning experience that amplifies growth. Each session is a blend of theory and practical exercises, designed to engage and challenge your perspectives.

Customized Journey: Whether you’re seeking to refine your career path, enhance personal development, or explore new horizons, our workshop is tailored to meet you where you are. With pre-work assignments, reflection exercises, and personalized coaching, you’ll craft a vision that resonates with your core values and aspirations.

Peer Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals embarking on their design thinking journeys. Our platform offers ongoing support, allowing you to share insights, seek advice, and celebrate milestones together.


Why Choose This Workshop?

  • Align with your true purpose through our Life and Work Views framework, turning introspection into actionable insights.
  • Navigate life’s uncertainties with our innovative tools and strategies, fostering a mindset of resilience and adaptability.
  • Transform challenges into opportunities for growth, leveraging our expert guidance and supportive community.

We Offer Multiple Workshop Options:

Join the Waitlist

Our Designing Your Life workshop is tailored for professionals at every career stage.


  • One month, 4 weeks


  • Fridays at noon Eastern
  • 1.5 hours via Zoom
  • Workshop also includes two 30-minute private coaching sessions.


Workshop: DYL - Join Waitlist

Designing Your Life Workshop

The Designing Your Life Workshop is a groundbreaking experience that invites you to apply design thinking principles to the creation of a fulfilling and meaningful life. Through engaging activities and reflective exercises, participants discover new pathways to personal and professional satisfaction.

Job Search Workshop

(Coming soon) The Job Search Workshop is a strategic program tailored to revolutionize the way you approach your career search. It combines the latest market insights with effective job-hunting techniques, helping you navigate the complexities of the job market with confidence and clarity.

Positive Intelligence Workshop

The Positive Intelligence Workshop is a transformative program designed to strengthen your mental fitness and enhance your ability to respond to life's challenges with a positive mindset. By integrating the principles of Positive Intelligence, this workshop teaches you to harness the power of your mind to overcome obstacles, reduce stress, and achieve greater happiness and success in all areas of life. 

With a commitment to fostering a supportive and dynamic learning environment, our workshops are tailored to empower individuals across various stages of their career. Whether you are a technology executive, a recent MBA graduate, or someone in search of a meaningful career transition, our programs are designed to equip you with the tools, insights, and resilience needed to navigate the challenges of today’s ever-evolving landscape. Join us on this journey of discovery and empowerment, and take the first step towards achieving new heights in your personal and professional life.

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At empoweringLEADERS, we are committed to your growth. Led by experienced coaches, we offer tailored solutions for individuals and teams in tech and corporate sectors. Discover how our coaching can transform your professional journey.

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