Our Free Coaching Guides & Resources

Introducting the Tech Leader’s Compass – a new way to explore and share our most popular resources.

Having been on the leadership trail for nearly 50 years, and now with thousands of hours working with leaders at all points of their journey, we know there are a few maps and trail guides that are well worn and proven

We still believe the coaching-stance will answer your questions from within you, and often, sharing a well-tested trail tip can trigger those moments of growth the quickest. These guides can help you now, or when you’re in need.

If you need an extra hand navigating your professional adventures, let’s explore the best fit for your situation.


engage, manage, partner, observe, wonder, execute, renew

Our Guide to engage:
Delegation: From A to Z

Read time: 3 minutes.

My wife asked if I could teach only one workshop that would have the most impact on leaders’ development, what would it be? … after thinking about it, what came out was this: “Delegation – without mastering it, no business can scale.

Our Guide to manage:
Communication: Can You Hear Me Now?

Read time: 4 minutes.

If you are open to learn, then you will likely be much better at communication. If you are there to tell others – then you may want to reassess 😉 

Our Guide to partner:
The First 90 Days: Setting Out On The Right Foot

Read time: 3 minutes.

There is an overwhelming push to perform – do SOMETHING… and another of my least favorite management “truisms” that is patently false: “Quick Wins”. They are rarely either, and most often damage your reputation with at least one partner.

Our Guide to observe:
Management Hygiene: Feed The Bear

Read time: 3 minutes.

A basic element of any effective management system is “No Surprises”. “Simple, but not easy” does not even start to describe this critical part of your Management Hygiene. In fact, I have used a fairly graphic way of describing it to leaders, probably driven by where I now live…

Our Guide to wonder:
Job Search Guide: Why AM I doing THIS?

Read time: 3 minutes.

As I was wrapping up a conversation with my new direct report, I asked a question that asked every leader that I had worked with for the last 30 years. “When was the last time you interviewed for a job outside of this company?” The stunned look was priceless…

Our Guide to execute:
Time Management: The Ideal Work Week

Read time: 3 minutes.

One of the greatest leaders I worked with said it best: “ Leadership is about being lazy.”  It has taken me – well, my whole life – to at least understand what that means – and still I can’t execute it.

Our Guide to renew:
Reading: My Favorite Trail Guides

Read time: Limitless.

Every year, there are over 15,000 business/leadership books published. Social media accelerates this with sound bites and photos of leaders that are doing things “perfectly” because of some system that they have used (and probably have a financial impact from)

Our Bonus Guide to execute:
Time Management: Never Time To Do It Right

Read time: 3 minutes.

The “How-To” guide that we have used with 1000’s of leaders… and ourselves. 😉 

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empoweringLEADERS believes that integrating music with business is empowering and helps people achieve success.

Get hands-on with our empower methodology with our daily blog, leadingwithmusic.com.

Our founder, Mark House, shares daily leadership lessons by paralleling his personal anecdotes with those of some of music's greatest legends. Each quick read is paired with a YouTube track for an extra layer of enjoyment.

Read more about our empower methodology.